Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Submission #1 of dog doing #2!

This is Charlie.  Apparently it's his birthday.  Happy Birthday Charlie!  You don't look thrilled.  Maybe it's because you're a dog and don't understand the concept of birthdays  ... or maybe it's because you're getting called by your person ("Hey Charlie, look over here, woohoo, look at the birdie!") while you're very busy doing your bidness. Either that or that leash is not making anything easier for you.

And thanks for your submission Gur!  You win the esteemed honor of being the first person to get your photo featured on The Pooparazzi.  You are officially the shit!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Welcome to The Pooparazzi!

I was driving down the street and I spotted this ridiculous looking dog in a ridiculously positioned squat with an even more ridiculous look on his face and thought to myself, "Self, dogs look funny when they poop, and if I took a picture of that dog just now I'd be able to laugh every time I saw the photo.  Why don't I start stalking pooping dogs and take their photos and post them on a blog and invite everyone else to do the same and then we can all laugh together?"  And now here we are.

So without further ado ... or without further a-doo-doo ... here is my first Pooparazzi shot:

If you want to submit yours just email me at

Now go stalk some pooping dogs!